For a world free of plastic pollution
The Problem

Plastic pollution within our oceans becomes more and more urgent.Every minute, vast quantities of plastic find their way into these waters. Annually, this equates to a harrowing 12 million tonnes. The result? 100 million marine lives lost to plastic waste. Plastic bottles, once a symbol of convenience, now represent a 450-year environmental nightmare. By 2050, without action, our oceans risk being more plastic than fish. Southeast Asia stands at the forefront of this crisis. This isn’t just about marine life; it’s our planet’s ecological balance at stake. In our modern world, with its plastic dependency, the challenge is enormous. We must act, and swiftly.
The Solution
Glassic tackles the problem by replacing single use plastic bottles with high-quality reusable glass bottles made for over 200 product cycles.
Get to know more about it here:

1st travel to the island of Ko Kut (Thailand). Initialized the project at Enactus Munich. Start of research of solutions for the problem
2nd travel to Ko Kut for market research.

Construction of the production facility
Incubation program ActOnPlastic in Berlin.

While COVID-19 hit, Glassic founded the german non-profit company, the glassic gUG.
Shipment of bottles to the island and crowdfounding phase
Preparation for the launching
Glassic Impact Limited as an official company in Thailand.
Launching pilot phase of the bottles.
National Cup 2023

The Teamlead